Swami Prakashanand Saraswati is a profound spiritual guide who emphasizes the transcendence of material and psychic experiences to reach God-realization. He taught that Divine Love, which is beyond all worldly phenomena, is the ultimate truth and path to eternal happiness.
Swami Prakashanand Saraswati Explains:
Our scriptures and our Masters pointed the power of God out which is beyond this material phenomena. Not within; beyond. Your body, the world you live in, and your mental experiences, what are they? They are all material existence. You see dreams. What is that? A state of your mind. Some people can see while they are sitting with closed eyes. What is that? It is psychic experience.
There are two kinds of lights: psychic light and material light. When you see dream, do you see light? Some might say no, but how can you see if there is no light? When you are seeing a dream, light is there. It is illogical to say there is no light when you are seeing dream. So in that dream, everything is there. Whatever is here that you see with your open eyes when you are conscious, is also there.
So, you use subtle senses in the subtle world, and physical senses in the physical world. They are all material phenomena. There is no concern with God. God is entirely different from this existence, though He is absorbed in these existences. You cannot find Him, though He is omnipresent. He has no concern with these material existences. He is beyond.
For that reason, if your path of meditation is only related to the psychic phenomena, that can lead you only a few steps ahead in your psychic stage. Never to God. Because God is beyond material phenomena, beyond psychic phenomena, beyond celestial phenomena. There are not only two, there are three phenomena: material, psychic, and celestial. Beyond material, and beyond psychic, and beyond celestial phenomena, is the abode of God. And God is only the power of Love.
Can we imagine God? No. Why? Because imagination needs perception. What-ever you perceive, the same you can imagine. A blind person has never perceived any color so he can have no imagination about color. You have seen a tree so you can imagine a big, huge tree in a jungle. You can imagine, “Oh, I have seen a tree in my garden, and a garden with trees that is hundreds of miles wide, that might be a jungle.” You need to have some perception about that particular thing, then you can imagine a greater limit. But if you have no perception of anything then you cannot imagine. For that reason, God cannot be imagined. God, God’s qualities, His form, His omnipresence, His virtues – they cannot be imagined. Similarly, God’s love cannot be imagined.
This world has dissatisfaction and unhappiness, and the Divine world has complete happiness with no dissatisfaction. Just the opposite. You see, in material love – take the example of two people, a wife and a husband who love each other very much. Suppose the husband was gone for six months on a long tour, and he came back, and they both met. After six months there was a great excitement, great emotion.
They ran and embraced. How long were they in that stage? A few minutes. How long did the excitement last? A few hours. It might be that after three to four hours they start quarreling on some issue. In just four hours they started quarreling because there was some dispute in the thoughts of both people. Take that instance when they both met together after six months’ separation, that first moment they experienced the maximum love. After some time, it was reduced. After some time, it was further reduced. After a few hours it became normal.
That is the nature of material love: it reduces and slowly fades. But Divine love is ever-increasing.
Swami Prakashanand Saraswati’s teachings clearly explainthe distinction between material existence and the Divine realm. He revealed that while material love diminishes over time, Divine Love is boundless and ever-increasing, leading the soul to unparalleled bliss and God-realization. Through his wisdom, seekers are inspired to transcend worldly attachments and embrace the eternal joy of Divine Love.