February 5, 2025

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Prakashanand Saraswati Q&A: Understanding Progress on the Path to Krishn

The teachings of Swami Prakashanand Saraswati, a revered spiritual guide, are dedicated to guiding devotees on their path to Radha-Krishn’s divine love. Heemphasizes the importance of self-reflection and sincere devotion for spiritual progress. In this insightful Q&A session, Swami Ji explains the true markers of progress on the devotional path, highlighting the role of faith, reduced material attachments, and unwavering confidence in Krishn’s presence. Through his profound answers, he inspires seekers to trust in the grace of their Master and the transformative power of divine love.

Question & Answer with Swami Prakashanand Saraswati

Question: How can we determine how much progress we are making on the path?

Answer: There are many factors involved in progress. Your past sanskars and your present devotion are the main ones. Past sanskars include all kinds of good and bad sanskars. Present devotion includes present association, study, environment, attachments, faith, dedication, and discipline in doing devotions. All these factors determine your devotion. So it becomes difficult for your own mind to judge its progress. This your Master knows.

Progress means faith and confidence.

Suppose a devotee has received for the first time divine-love-consciousness and he feels a great thrill and longing in his heart, tears in his eyes, and another devotee is not feeling those things, but he has great expectations, hope, that Krishn will surely come to him soon. Outwardly both look very different, the first looks very highly evolved, the second just ordinary, but it may be the other way. The first one might not have that much confidence in Krishn coming quickly to him. The second one might have more confidence and faith in Krishn. So it is very difficult to judge on your own.

However, you can see your material attachment. Is it lessening or not? If it is not increasing, if it is staying the same it’s not bad. It should not be increasing.

How much faith do you have? Faith means how much confidence you have that Krishn will really come, “I will see Krishn, without doubt.” With this feeling, you feel a kind of closeness with Radha and Krishn, while working, or not working, even while sleeping you feel Krishn is always with you. So, both decrease in your material attachments, and an increase in your feeling of confidence and closeness with Krishn are a few indications of your progress. But don’t try to judge others. When you cannot judge your own progress exactly, how can you judge others?

If you want to know exactly where you are, think in another way. How much love, reverence, confidence, faith do you have in your Master and Radha Krishn? More than that they give you Their own Grace and blessings.

Conclusion: Swami Prakashanand Saraswati shares that true progress involves reducing material attachments, deepening our faith, and feeling closer to Radha-Krishn. Trust in your Master’s grace and their divine guidance to stay steadfast on the path of devotion.

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